Celebrating Five Years

How quickly time flies! Around this time in 2010, my father and I were in the beginning stages of creating the Mid South region. Having been NASA members for a combined 12 years, we were totally sold on the NASA model. We had attended events in many regions as customers and would always compare and contrast the experiences, both the good and the not-so-good while hanging out in the motorhome at night. In business, Taylors can be hard-headed and like to have the freedom to be an entrepreneur, but with the basic framework laid out in a common sense manner. The NASA model lets us do exactly that.

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Mid South Region Small Bore Shootout

A beautiful autumn morning found a full field of 944 Spec racers taking the green at Memphis International Raceway in our first Small Bore Shootout presented by St. Clair Foods. The field was open to any racers of six cylinders or less and to make a class, cars had to number seven registered for the weekend.  Prizes offered were $1000 to the winner in each class, $500 to second place and $250 for third.  Additionally our trackside vendor, Trackside Supplies, provided gift certificates of $200 for first, $150 for second and $50 for third.  So, a lot of money was on the line for our racers.

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