Mid South Region Small Bore Shootout
A beautiful autumn morning found a full field of 944 Spec racers taking the green at Memphis International Raceway in our first Small Bore Shootout presented by St. Clair Foods. The field was open to any racers of six cylinders or less and to make a class, cars had to number seven registered for the weekend. Prizes offered were $1000 to the winner in each class, $500 to second place and $250 for third. Additionally our trackside vendor, Trackside Supplies, provided gift certificates of $200 for first, $150 for second and $50 for third. So, a lot of money was on the line for our racers.
On the pole was Eric Kuhns, Mr. 944 Spec, and what a gentleman and mentor to our young racers. He spent the weekend coaching, encouraging and advising our crew of mostly inexperienced racers. When the rag dropped he blasted in front with our own Jeremy Pohlman trying to keep pace. He in turn was paced by Brian Evans of the Southeast region who was followed by newly minted racer and Brian Evans’ brother, Alan. Nursing a hurt car was Mike Dearstyne and bringing up the rear was our regional director, in a borrowed car, Shawn Taylor. Brian Hurley, another Mid South racer, was watching from the paddock as he suffered a mechanical issue the day before.
The racing was clean, tight and from third on back there was spirited racing with every position fought over, defended and at times lost, to be regained. Mike’s hurt car went out early on the second lap. Third was a battle royal between Shawn and Brian with Brian ending up the victor when Shawn suffered from a mechanical and pulled in on the tenth lap. After Shawn’s money shift, Alan caught Brian and was hounding him for third. Any mistake would have allowed him the position and a hand full of cash. However, it was not to be as Brian was able to fend him off.
The final order was Kuhns (with a track record 1:17.643), Pohlman, Brian Evans, Alan Evans, Taylor, and Dearstyne.
Our sincere thanks to Oscar and Brian Edmonds (Mid South Spec E30 racers) from St. Clair Foods for stepping up and sponsoring our first Small Bore Shootout.
Thanks also go to our vendor Trackside Supplies for their sponsorship of the shootout.